The management of excess soil, including transport and disposal fees, can account for a significant part of land development. Local reuse of excess soil, can help you save between 5 to 10 % of overall project costs. We are here to help you realize these savings. We have direct access to several reuse sites that are accepting excess soil throughout the province. Our excavators and experienced operators can move soil efficiently. Our project managers are highly skilled and experienced. We can help you:
- Assess soil quality;
- Identify soil re-use options
- Prepare a Soil Management Plan;
- Excavate and move excess soil;
- Manage soil documentation;
- Apply for municipal Fill Permits or Site Alteration Permits;
- Comply with the On-Site and Excess Soil Management Regulation;
- Ensure that excess soil is beneficially reused.
Frequently Asked Questions:What is Excess Soil? Excess soil is soil that generated during construction and excavation activities that will no longer be needed at the project site. Thus the excess soil must be transported off the site.
What happens to Excess Soil? If the soil is assessed as safe for clean fill it can be transported to a fill site and is referred to as "beneficial reuse".
What is the On-site and Excess Soil Management Regulation (O. Reg. 406/19)? Released in December of 2019, O. Reg. 406/19 is meant to allow for the proper management, tracking, and reuse of excess soil. There are several important reasons why the soil management regulation went into place including:
- Ensuring valuable resources (excess soil) do not go to waste in landfills. They can be repurposed for beneficial reuse.
- Ensuring and clarifying when excess soil can be reused and establishing clear rules around when excess soil is not a waste
- Ensuring excess soil reuse is enhanced for larger and riskier sites (for example, gas stations and industrial sites) with tracking, registration, an assessment of past uses, and if necessary, soil sampling and characterization.
- Ensuring that reuse sites are not receiving soil considered to be waste soil. In addtion, requiring that large reuse sites (larger than 10,000 cubic metres) register and develop procedures to track and inspecct the soil received.
- Create restrictions on landfilling clean soil that might otherwise be reused at sensitive sites such as schools and agricultural sites.